During November 2018 I participated in NaNoWadMo, a challenge inspired by NaNoWriMo, or National Novel Writing Month. Where NaNoWriMo has participants drafting a fifty-thousand-word novel in thirty days, NaNoWadMo has participants performing a very different feat, comparable in difficulty: NaNoWadMo is all about creating a megawad – a single package of typically twenty-seven or thirty-two maps, depending on specifically what game the maps are for – in thirty days. I made a thirty-two map megawad for Doom 2! In December, I fixed some problems and added some polish, and then on New Year’s Day I made the most recent and likely final release.
Check out the Nanopineapple 2018 post on the Doomworld forums to find download links and other information about the megawad: doomworld.com/forum/topic/103281-nanopineapple-2018-megawad-in-1-month/